Hello, bloggers!
For everyone who doesn’t know what pedal power is, it’s riding bikes. My class and I performed pedal power on an unremembered Tuesday. Those who didn’t know how to ride bikes got to practice on the other court as we engaged in various activities on them. We practiced push-push glides. On the bike, you essentially push yourself twice before lifting your feet into the air.
Since I truly didn’t know how to ride a bike, Push Push Glides definitely helped me. Then wonderful individuals arrived to help us. I actually have a bike I was planning to sell, but now I ride it instead.
It’s a shame that we only had two leesons. We hope to have more lessons throughout the year.
There were also some standards that we had to check. The first rules were the magic numbers. The magic numbers were 2, 4 and 1 . 2 was to check that there were only two finger space when you had the helmet on, 4 was to check on your ears two fingers on each side making sure that the straps of the helmet were just below the ears. Lastly 1 was to check that there was a one finger gap between your chin and the helmet strap while trying to buckle your strap.
There was also another check this was the ABCD check,
A stands for air you check that your tyres are nice and strong. B stands for balance, We checked this by sitting on our bikes to see if we would fall while holding the breaks. C was for chain, we checked this by seeing if the chain was rusty. D was for direction, we checked this by squeezing our legs between the front tyre and seeing if the steering part of the bike would move. Then we had lots of fun riding the bikes.