Month: July 2023

ASB waterfront theater

Kia ora bloggers,

Today we went to the waterfront theater in the city. I was really exited to watch the animations clips on the big screen we came in and we sat at the front. We were told we could eat a snack so we ate trying not to leave crumbs. Our teacher said we did not leave any crumbs and we were responsible. Then when we came back to our school and we made mind maps about our favorite film clip.

I really liked the turnips here is my Mind Map.


Kia ora bloggers!

Today my class and I are writing about our favorite age sutiable movies. I chose monster house because its a really good movie to watch, it’s age sutiable for kids. It does have a few scary parts but I don’t think they are THAT scary. I will tell you more about this movie, but first what is your favorite movie?

This movie starts of when their was a boy in his room, he was 12 years old and his name was DJ. Dj was looking out his window at Mr Nebbercracker’s house right across the road, there was a little girl riding her trycical and she steped on the lawn of the old mans house. Suddenly  the man stepes out of the house breaking her trycical and leaving the girl in tears.

On the same day Dj’s parents had left for a meeting that usally last for sevral days. In that time Dj’s careless babysitter Zee had to look after him. Dj went to go hang out with his friend Chowder. They were walking past Mr Nebbercracker’s house. Chowder had accidently lost his ball on the lawn, he tried to grab it but he steped on the lawn. Mr Nebbercracker immediantly came outside but as he grabbed the boy bet then he had a heart attack.

There was a girl named Jenny selling candy and she  got saved by dj. They went inside the house and they got really scared they found out that the wife of Mr Nebbercracker was locked in the house but they saw every part of a body in the house.

Mr Nebbercracker comes back and finds them in the house Dj begges Mr Nebbercracker to let his wife free. After that they all left the house and enjoyed their lifes.

My holiday recount

Kia ora bloggers,

In the holidays on a sunny morning, I went go carting.  My uncle picked up me and my siblings and then we went to pick up my cousins. Once we were all in and buckled we we headed to the go carting place. When we got to the go carting place we saw a arcade and we just ignored it to go to the go carts. We had to sign in to these ipads and then we could go on the go carts. After that we went to the arcade. That day I felt scared but exited in the begining but after riding it i felt very grateful.

Ka kite bloggers

Blog ya later!