Tag: Art

Art for arts sake – SLJ Tak 27 – step it up

Hey bloggers,


For this step it up task we had to create a silhouette and turn it into an artwork. I used a silhouette of someone doing a gymastic move. I then applied a shadow to it. I changed the background added stipes and then added dots to the sihouette, the dots were the same color as the background. I thought that this would look cool.

Here is the silhouette:

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Art for ats sake – SLJ Task 26 – kickstart

Hey bloggers,

For this activity we had to draw someones side profile I chose to draw my own because nobody was letting me draw their so yeah. I did the activity. It looks super bad so I used remove background to edit it a little bit. It did not take that long but coloring it got really boring.

Here it is:

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Blog Ya later

Recreating portraits- SLJ Task 10- Step it up

Asalamualaikum Bloggers,

For this task we have to expand on what we have recreated by giving three reason on why recreating portraits has been so successful during lockdown. I have added the recreation and put a bubble and added my reasons to it as the task said to.

  • Reason number 1: I think that this challenge has been so successful in lockdown because we have a lot of recycled materials we can use to get creative.  People are more inspired to do these type of challenges because they have extra free time and are bored during lockdown.
  • Reason number 2: It is a fun Activity, people do this because it is fun and entertaining as we have so much time because we are not able to leave the house during this period of time (lockdown).
  • Reason number 3: You can do these challenges with your family like having competitions. This builds up in family connections which is awesome. Some people do it to get views and they succeed in doing that as people  are always on their device during this duration (lockdown)

Here is the my way of presenting my reasons on my recreation:

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Have wonderful holiday
Blog ya later



Recreating Portraits- SLJ Task 9- Kickstart

Heyy bloggers,

For todays task we had to create a potrait of somebody. I chose to recreate Susan B. Anthony. The reason I chose to recreate a potrait of her is because she helped fugitive slaves escape and held anti slavery protests. I really enjoyed recreating it beacuse it looks so simallar and I am proud of how I created it.

Anyway here is my potrait:

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If  you have any question leave a comment!
Blog Ya Later:)

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