Category: Ako | Learn

Nuie Celebrations- SLJ Task 7 – Kick Start

Fakalofa Atu Bloggers,

For todays blog post we learnt about the Nuie celebrations. Our task was to then create a collage of photos of some events or celebrations we take part in. In Nuie they have a festival called the makefu festival where family, friends and the community come a gather and have fun together.

Today in Whangarei, the Pasifika Fusion Festival brought together the cultures of the Pacific. This gathering, now in its sixth year, was held this year by a small group of Niueans in Northland. Today at the Pasifika Fusion Festival, the Nuie flag was waved for the first time over the Hihiaua Peninsula.

What does the celebrations we have and Makefu celebration have in common? The things we have in common is that there are definitly a variety of food. In the Makefu festival everyone in the community and people from overseas come together to communicate. That is simallar to ours but its just my Mums, siblings, parents  neices and nephews (My grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins).

Here  is my collage: (Dont mind the blocked faces as it is covered for privacy matters)

Thank you for visiting my blog
have a wonderful Holiday!!
Blog Ya Later:)

It’s cool to be kind- SLJ Task 5 – Step it up

Kia Ora Bloggers,

For todays task we had to write a positive comment in Te Reo. I chose to comment on Jeremy’s blog. I really liked how I wrote it from English to Maori. . Here is the  link to Jeremy’s blog post.

Here is the slides:

Here is the comment:

Thanks for reading my blog
Blog ya Later:)

It’s cool to be kind-SLJ Task 4- Kick start

Heyyy Bloggers,

Todays Task is to leave a kind, positive comment on somebody’s blog. I commented on Alexia’s poetry slam post.  This is an act of kindness as I am leaving  a thoughtful comment. If you would like to, leave a comment on my blog. I hope by reading the comment I have written you learn how to create a positive comment to comment, on peoples blogs. I think my comment quality comment because i am being thoughtful and helpful by leaving a tip and saying something positive.

Anyway here is my comment:

Thank you for visiting my blog  Blog ya later

Treasure Hunt- SLJ Task 1 + Bonus

kia ora bloggers,

For the first blog post of the summer learning journey, we had a science treasure hunt. For this task I got all the equipment and added it into my video.

The bonus I think was meant to be the step it up we were meant to use all the things that we found during the treasure hunt to make something. It could be anything at all. I collected some objects i found around the house like a lego a bolttle cap and more. I know that the creation I made wasn’t great but here is what I made.(Please do not mind my siblings in the backround noise.)

Thank you for visting my blog                                                                                                                                                                  Have a great summer. Feel free to leave me a comment:)                                                                                                               Blog ya later!!

Cat school🐈🐈‍⬛🏫

Kia ora bloggers,

This week I made a new doc I made a story about a cat school. I loved the end result it was also a little bit funny at the end. I will be showing you it but first, I want to tell you how to get story ideas, there is a site called onceuponastory I will put the link HERE so if you ever want story ideas you can click it but always make sure to bookmark it!

Here it is⬇


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