Tag: Nuie

Nuie Celebrations- SLJ Task 8-Step it up

Fakalofa atu Bloggers,

For this task we had to talk to our family about how does celebrations connect us to culture. I asked my mum and she told me her understanding on it. I have a question for all of you. What does the celebration of your culture celebrated. The Afghan Ataan orginally represented the victory of a war. Now it used for celebrations such as weddings.


Here it is:

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Nuie Celebrations- SLJ Task 7 – Kick Start

Fakalofa Atu Bloggers,

For todays blog post we learnt about the Nuie celebrations. Our task was to then create a collage of photos of some events or celebrations we take part in. In Nuie they have a festival called the makefu festival where family, friends and the community come a gather and have fun together.

Today in Whangarei, the Pasifika Fusion Festival brought together the cultures of the Pacific. This gathering, now in its sixth year, was held this year by a small group of Niueans in Northland. Today at the Pasifika Fusion Festival, the Nuie flag was waved for the first time over the Hihiaua Peninsula.

What does the celebrations we have and Makefu celebration have in common? The things we have in common is that there are definitly a variety of food. In the Makefu festival everyone in the community and people from overseas come together to communicate. That is simallar to ours but its just my Mums, siblings, parents  neices and nephews (My grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins).

Here  is my collage: (Dont mind the blocked faces as it is covered for privacy matters)

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have a wonderful Holiday!!
Blog Ya Later:)