Poetry Slam- SLJ Task 3 – Step it up

Kia Ora  Bloggers

Welcome to another Summer Learning Journey blog post this is the step it up for the poetry Slam. For this activity we had to visit some poetry slams from last year and take video of us rading it out. I am using Karolina’s poetry Slam called ‘My Summer Haiku’ . One question we were given to Answer is How will we bring it to life? We can bring it to life by actually not wearing a hat and sunscreen outdoors, but encourage you guys to wear a hat and sunscreen outdoors this can prevent you from getting burnt and skin cancer.

Here is my screencastify:

Thank you for visiting my blog. Feel free to leave a comment.
Stay safe this SUmmer 🙂 Blog Ya later!!

3 thoughts on “Poetry Slam- SLJ Task 3 – Step it up

  1. Hi Asmah,

    It’s Emma here from the Summer Learning Journey.

    I agree, I don’t think bringing it life by actually getting sunburnt would be such great thing to do! I do think though, by saying the words with a lot of emotion we can bring it to life perfectly! You read the poem loudly and at a steady pace which meant I could hear you nice and clearly. Thanks for sharing your activity Asmah.

  2. Kia ora Asmah. What a great start you’ve made to the Summer Learning Journey. I like the way you brought Karolina’s poem to life by emphasising words like I and hot. You also changed your pitch for words like safe. I can’t wait to hear you perform some of your own poems if you choose to do some of the future Poetry Slam activities.