Category: Hanga | Create

Let’s get funky – SLJ Task 29 – Step it up

Hey bloggers,

For this step it up task we had to make a music video using scratch. I found this super cool as I love coding. I found it too be a bit glitchy while I was doing it so dont mind that if you guys have the same problem. For the kickstart I could not upload my sound but luckily it worked for the step it up. I used the same sound from my kickstart.

Here it is:

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Blog Ya later.

Lets get funky – SLJ Task 28 – Kickstart

Hey Bloggers

For this summer learning journey task we had to use sumotunes to create our own song. This was super fun as we were able to explore the app and of course create our own jam. Mine is pretty unique as I just used beats that match going after eachother. I have taken a screenshot and have saved the sound which I am going to be sharing with you. Ive saved it but it is not uploading. I have a screenshot of it for proof its not working.

Here it is:

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Blog Ya Later!

Art for arts sake – SLJ Tak 27 – step it up

Hey bloggers,


For this step it up task we had to create a silhouette and turn it into an artwork. I used a silhouette of someone doing a gymastic move. I then applied a shadow to it. I changed the background added stipes and then added dots to the sihouette, the dots were the same color as the background. I thought that this would look cool.

Here is the silhouette:

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Blog ya later!

Art for ats sake – SLJ Task 26 – kickstart

Hey bloggers,

For this activity we had to draw someones side profile I chose to draw my own because nobody was letting me draw their so yeah. I did the activity. It looks super bad so I used remove background to edit it a little bit. It did not take that long but coloring it got really boring.

Here it is:

Thank you for visiting my blog!

Blog Ya later

Ko Maui me Te Rā – Task 25 SLJ – Step it up

Kia Ora Bloggers,

For this task we had to create a Maui and the sun animation. This was really fun to make. I took a little while but I got there. I only id the part where maui an his brothers capture the sun then the sun slows down. I am sure that is the only part we had to do. It was pretty fun to do and the ned result was not bad. We had to do this on google slides.

After 123 slides here is my animation:

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Blog Ya later!


Ko Maui me Te Rā – Task 24 SLJ – Kickstart

Kia Ora Bloggers,

For todays activity it was all in Maori once again. We had to create our own character on google drawing. This was actualy pretty cool as we created our own maui. I cant wait to put this into my animation! This task was really simple but kind of hard to understand. I was putting the moko but I then realized some tribes might fiind it offensive or something so I did not add it.

Here is Maui:

Thank you visiting my blog
Kia kite!

Escape room – Task 23 SLJ – Step it up

Hey bloggers,

For the step it up task we had to we had to create an escape room using some math. What I have done  is linked my furniture to a google form which you can answer the question to find out the code. Once you find out the code you can press on the pinpad which is linked to another form where you can write your answer.

Here is my escape room:

thank you for visiting my Blog
Blog Ya Later.

Escape room- Task 22 SLJ – Kickstart

Kia ora bloggers,

For todays task we had make an escape room. I made a escape room as part of the task. Now YOU can check it out turst me the last question may be pretty hard… Ok fine its really hard its even took me half an hour getting the answer so take your time.

If you think I need anything or im missing anythig feel free to comment it down bellow and stay tuned for the step it up. Here is the escape room.

Blog ya later!


Poetry slam Rua – Task 21 SLJ – Step it up

Kia ora bloggers,

For the step it up task I had to record myself reading out my poem that I had made for the kickstart, if you have already read my kickstart a had made a shape poem about summer. summer is my favorite season of the year, its sunny, there is the summer learning journey and its the best time of the year to go to the beach more often.

As you might know the shape of my poem is a heart I made the heart red for some colour. If you  have any questions pop it down in the comments and I will for sure reply.

Here is the screencastify!

Ka Kite
Blog ya later!

Poetry slam rua (shape poem) – Task 20 SLJ – kickstart

Kia ora bloggers,

For todays task we had to make a poem but, the twist was we had to make the poem in a shape ( It could be a shape of your choice.) If you dont get what I mean, I had to write a poem and make it into a shape by spacing it out.(Sorry if this was a bad explanation.)

My poem was based of summer and the hot sun. The shape I have made is a heart the is red. The heart was a bit of shape. my tequnique was to write my poem first and not worry about the shape and when I was done with that I started spacing everything out and I started making it into a heart.(I only wrote a little bit sorry. :p)

Here is my poem⬇

Thanks for visiting my blog